Thursday, July 24, 2014

ImageData to UIImage conversion

//Save this as NSDataAdditions header file

@interface NSData (NSDataAdditions)
+ (NSData *) dataWithBase64EncodedString:(NSString *) string;
- (id) initWithBase64EncodedString:(NSString *) string;

- (NSString *) base64Encoding;
- (NSString *) base64EncodingWithLineLength:(NSUInteger) lineLength;

- (BOOL) hasPrefixBytes:(const void *) prefix length:(NSUInteger) length;
- (BOOL) hasSuffixBytes:(const void *) suffix length:(NSUInteger) length;


//Save this as NSDataAdditions main file
#import "NSDataAdditions.h"

static char encodingTable[64] = {
'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' };

@implementation NSData (NSDataAdditions)
+ (NSData *) dataWithBase64EncodedString:(NSString *) string {
return [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:string];

- (id) initWithBase64EncodedString:(NSString *) string {
NSMutableData *mutableData = nil;

if( string ) {
unsigned long ixtext = 0;
unsigned long lentext = 0;
unsigned char ch = 0;
unsigned char inbuf[4] =  { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, outbuf[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
short i = 0, ixinbuf = 0;
BOOL flignore = NO;
BOOL flendtext = NO;
NSData *base64Data = nil;
const unsigned char *base64Bytes = nil;

// Convert the string to ASCII data.
base64Data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
base64Bytes = [base64Data bytes];
mutableData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:base64Data.length];
lentext = base64Data.length;

while( YES ) {
if( ixtext >= lentext ) break;
ch = base64Bytes[ixtext++];
flignore = NO;

if( ( ch >= 'A' ) && ( ch <= 'Z' ) ) ch = ch - 'A';
else if( ( ch >= 'a' ) && ( ch <= 'z' ) ) ch = ch - 'a' + 26;
else if( ( ch >= '0' ) && ( ch <= '9' ) ) ch = ch - '0' + 52;
else if( ch == '+' ) ch = 62;
else if( ch == '=' ) flendtext = YES;
else if( ch == '/' ) ch = 63;
else flignore = YES;

if( ! flignore ) {
short ctcharsinbuf = 3;
BOOL flbreak = NO;

if( flendtext ) {
if( ! ixinbuf ) break;
if( ( ixinbuf == 1 ) || ( ixinbuf == 2 ) ) ctcharsinbuf = 1;
else ctcharsinbuf = 2;
ixinbuf = 3;
flbreak = YES;

inbuf [ixinbuf++] = ch;

if( ixinbuf == 4 ) {
ixinbuf = 0;
outbuf [0] = ( inbuf[0] << 2 ) | ( ( inbuf[1] & 0x30) >> 4 );
outbuf [1] = ( ( inbuf[1] & 0x0F ) << 4 ) | ( ( inbuf[2] & 0x3C ) >> 2 );
outbuf [2] = ( ( inbuf[2] & 0x03 ) << 6 ) | ( inbuf[3] & 0x3F );

for( i = 0; i < ctcharsinbuf; i++ )
[mutableData appendBytes:&outbuf[i] length:1];

if( flbreak )  break;

self = [self initWithData:mutableData];
return self;

#pragma mark -

- (NSString *) base64Encoding {
return [self base64EncodingWithLineLength:0];

- (NSString *) base64EncodingWithLineLength:(NSUInteger) lineLength {
const unsigned char *bytes = [self bytes];
NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:self.length];
unsigned long ixtext = 0;
unsigned long lentext = self.length;
long ctremaining = 0;
unsigned char inbuf[3], outbuf[4];
unsigned short i = 0;
unsigned short charsonline = 0, ctcopy = 0;
unsigned long ix = 0;

while( YES ) {
ctremaining = lentext - ixtext;
if( ctremaining <= 0 ) break;

for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
ix = ixtext + i;
if( ix < lentext ) inbuf[i] = bytes[ix];
else inbuf [i] = 0;

outbuf [0] = (inbuf [0] & 0xFC) >> 2;
outbuf [1] = ((inbuf [0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((inbuf [1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
outbuf [2] = ((inbuf [1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((inbuf [2] & 0xC0) >> 6);
outbuf [3] = inbuf [2] & 0x3F;
ctcopy = 4;

switch( ctremaining ) {
case 1:
ctcopy = 2;
case 2:
ctcopy = 3;

for( i = 0; i < ctcopy; i++ )
[result appendFormat:@"%c", encodingTable[outbuf[i]]];

for( i = ctcopy; i < 4; i++ )
[result appendString:@"="];

ixtext += 3;
charsonline += 4;

if( lineLength > 0 ) {
if( charsonline >= lineLength ) {
charsonline = 0;
[result appendString:@"\n"];

return [NSString stringWithString:result];

#pragma mark -

- (BOOL) hasPrefixBytes:(const void *) prefix length:(NSUInteger) length {
if( ! prefix || ! length || self.length < length ) return NO;
return ( memcmp( [self bytes], prefix, length ) == 0 );

- (BOOL) hasSuffixBytes:(const void *) suffix length:(NSUInteger) length {
if( ! suffix || ! length || self.length < length ) return NO;
return ( memcmp( ((const char *)[self bytes] + (self.length - length)), suffix, length ) == 0 );



//Invoke dataWithBase64EncodedString method
 UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithBase64EncodedString:[jsonResponse valueForKey:@"imageData"]]];

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